
Every client is unique, as are the circumstances that lead to them seeking legal counsel. Committed to achieving the best result for her clients, Caroline immerses herself in all aspects of a case and utilizes her knowledge of the law, resourcefulness, and attention to detail to develop and execute a practical, client-focused strategy.

Caroline enjoys spending her free time filling up SD cards while exploring new cities, hitting the slopes on powder days, and trying out fusion-food creations.


J.D., Arizona State University, Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law 2018
Associate Editor and Chair of the Social Committee, Jurimetrics: The Journal of Law, Science, and Technology.
Received two Law, Science, and Technology Certificates, one in Health Law and the other in Genetics & Biotechnology.
B.A., University of Miami (FL) 2015 Majors: Political Science and English Literature



Awards/ Recognition

Caroline’s comment, which advocated for the FDA to adopt a dynamic risk-based approach to its regulation of wearable devices, was selected for publication in Jurimetrics’ Fall 2017 issue

Caroline C. Saunders, Comment, Balancing Innovation and Regulation: Why the FDA Should Adopt a More Dynamic Risk-Based System for Wearables, 58 Jurimetrics J. 83-103 (2017)

Before Weiss Brown

Associate, Sacks, Ricketts & Case LLP (2018-2020)

Associate, Baskin PLC (2020-2021)

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